New Online Class: R1ZE

New online class Rize

I’m excited to be bringing something new to the online classes with a R1ZE workout.

Like SH1FT, R1ZE workouts focus on the six degrees of freedom with the addition of a step. Using a step is a great way to incorporate plyometric training with reduced impact.

Suitable for all fitness levels, each R1ZE workout has a specific focus. The step is used to train all forms of fitness from speed and power to agility and strength.

The benefits of a R1ZE workout:

– burn calories in a short amount of time

– train every major fitness component

– focus on the six degrees of freedom moving you up and down, side to side, forward and back

– book and pay via Gymcatch app: £5 per person

If you are interested in attending, check out the dotty about fitness Facebook page for more details.